I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in the Kia Manawanui syndicate and my teachers are Mr Janse and Ms Schellingerhout.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Teachnology-cooking WALT: MAKE NACHO
Step 1 - Dice the onion and Fry until it is soft
Add the mince and fry until it is cooked
Step 2 - add bake bean
- chill
- mix herb
- steam for 5 minutes
- serie with chip.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Teachnology cooking WALT: MAKE A HANGI
Teachnology cooking
step 1 - Dice the vegetables
onioni (slice)
carrot (square)
cabbage (slice)
Orange kumara
Potato (square)
pumkin (square)
chiken (cut in half)
step 2 - Put the chicken in first and top up with vegetables spices salt Bake 150 for 40 minutes
Monday, 25 November 2019
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Technology - Cooking
Technology Cooking
WALT: Make Curry
Today for technology we are going to be making some Chicken Curry. What i liked about the curry was that it was super delicious and yum. What I wish to improve on next time is to probably add more water and to learn how to slice and dice the onions and potatoes.
How to make the Chicken Curry
Step 1 - Dice the onions and potatoes
Step 2 - Fry the onions until soft
Step 3 - Once soft has the potato with the onions
Step 4 - Add curry and spices
Step 5- Add Vegetables
Step 6 - Once everything is cooked then serve it on a plate and enjoy
What I liked about this was that we were working in a team and making sure that each one of us is doing a job.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Science Fair

This is my comment to Kyra and Lily. I enjoyed the pancake creation cause which flavor makes pancakes tastier. I like how Kyra and Lily show how to make different flavors. What I learnet is how to make new flavors for pancakes.
Friday, 16 August 2019
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Technology hard work.
Technology hard work.
WALT: Make things from wood
I am almost done making the Jeep. My next steps are to finish the top of it and also blog about how I did it, How I like it and how I can improve. So far it looks good but I still wish to improve it making the joint better because while I was making the joint I didn't notice that the Wood was crooked so I was digging it to far from the gauge but luckily Mr Grundy said it was alright, so I was honestly saved.
When my name was called I put my hand up and he just took it away, he went over the yellow line so I wasn't able to go past but I remembered that I was always supposed to follow him so I just stayed behind the yellow line. When he took the jeep he sanded it so it was smoother than before which I loved. After that he measured it with a steel ruler and measured how long and big the top is going to be, after he found the measurements he used mbf and make the top of it and used wood to make the inside of the top bit. He took the jeep and the top bit make to my working area and glued it together, and now I have to wait 30 minutes or more.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Monday, 12 August 2019
Varnce Mrs Gren-Bacteria
Inquiry - Varnce
video to help with
Mrs Gren bacteria Mrs Gren - on bacteria - find out how bacteria
Movement is defined as changing locations or positions, a group of people with a shared aim or a development or change that occurs.
Respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP, the currency of energy in cells. Note the number of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water molecules involved in each 'turn' of the process.
Highly sensitive people often feel too much and feel too deep.
The definition of a growth is something that has grown on something else or an abnormal mass. An example of growth is a wart.
As verbs the difference between produce and reproduce is that produce is to yield, make or manufacture; to generate while reproduce is to produce an image or copy of something.
verb. to discharge waste matter, such as urine, sweat, carbon dioxide, or faeces from the body through the kidneys, skin, lungs, bowels, etc.
Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy.
video to help with
Mrs Gren bacteria Mrs Gren - on bacteria - find out how bacteria
Movement is defined as changing locations or positions, a group of people with a shared aim or a development or change that occurs.
Respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP, the currency of energy in cells. Note the number of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water molecules involved in each 'turn' of the process.
Highly sensitive people often feel too much and feel too deep.
The definition of a growth is something that has grown on something else or an abnormal mass. An example of growth is a wart.
As verbs the difference between produce and reproduce is that produce is to yield, make or manufacture; to generate while reproduce is to produce an image or copy of something.
verb. to discharge waste matter, such as urine, sweat, carbon dioxide, or faeces from the body through the kidneys, skin, lungs, bowels, etc.
Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy.
Friday, 9 August 2019
The Life Process of Bacteria by Varnce
Did you know that every 20 seconds a new piece of bacteria forms In the world? To do so it needs food like any other thing to grow, including oxygen , carbon dioxide and water. When these things run out, the bacteria will start to die out that is why when you see cold, dark and damp places, there is normally a decent amount of bacteria like moss or other types.
Bacteria is also a living organism and is apart of MRS GREN or the seven life processes. Bacteria displays a wide diversity of shapes and sizes called morphologies.
Did you know that bacteria cells are about one tenth the size of eukaryotic cells and are typically 0.5-5.0 Micrometers in length? However there are a few species you can see with the unaided eye for example, Thiomargarita namibiensis is up to half a millimeter in length.
Bacteria cells exist as single cells but some like Streptococcus might form chains or other things like a bunch of grapes LOL Some even for body's that can go for 500 micrometers long and containing about 100,000 cells. In these body each piece of Bacteria has a certain job for example some might migrate to the fruity top to differentiate into a specialised dormant state called a myxospore.
Bacteria often attaches to surface and forms dense aggregation called biofilms and larger formations are called microbial mats.
Did you know that bacteria cells are about one tenth the size of eukaryotic cells and are typically 0.5-5.0 Micrometers in length? However there are a few species you can see with the unaided eye for example, Thiomargarita namibiensis is up to half a millimeter in length.
Bacteria cells exist as single cells but some like Streptococcus might form chains or other things like a bunch of grapes LOL Some even for body's that can go for 500 micrometers long and containing about 100,000 cells. In these body each piece of Bacteria has a certain job for example some might migrate to the fruity top to differentiate into a specialised dormant state called a myxospore.
Bacteria often attaches to surface and forms dense aggregation called biofilms and larger formations are called microbial mats.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Technology hard work.
Technology hard work.
WALT: Make things from wood
I am almost done making the Jeep. My next steps are to finish the top of it and also blog about how I did it, How I like it and how I can improve. So far it looks good but I still wish to improve it making the joint better because while I was making the joint I didn't notice that the Wood was crooked so I was digging it to far from the gauge but luckily Mr Grundy said it was alright, so I was honestly saved.
When my name was called I put my hand up and he just took it away, he went over the yellow line so I wasn't able to go past but I remembered that I was always supposed to follow him so I just stayed behind the yellow line. When he took the jeep he sanded it so it was smoother than before which I loved. After that he measured it with a steel ruler and measured how long and big the top is going to be, after he found the measurements he used mbf and make the top of it and used wood to make the inside of the top bit. He took the jeep and the top bit make to my working area and glued it together, and now I have to wait 30 minutes or more.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Cybersmart T3 W3- Quality comments
Kia ora and welcome to my blog. Today in cybersmart WALT: create a quality blog comment, our class had to do this activity relating to creating a quality comment.
What we had to do was:
The year 7 had to at less do 7 sentences starters
and the year 8 had to do 8 sentences starters.
The year 7 had to start something like I really enjoyed...
and the year 8 had to start with something like I really appreciated...
We all had to start with a cultural greeting and a cultural goodbye.
For example:
Maori-Haere rā
Tonga-Alu a
Samoan- Tofa
and other amazing culture goodbye.
We all had to remember to use only 1x really, 1x loved , 1x enjoy, 1x liked and 1x learnt cause you can use other words then those words.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Smart Relationships
On wednesday 31 of july we are learning what are the meanings for smart Relationships here is my work of what i have done with Miss Collins
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Cybersmart Smart Footprint T2 - Varnce & David
Hello, so today miss Collins came into room 9 and each person had to present to class our Cybersmart reflection. And this is mine thank you for reading.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Monday, 24 June 2019
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Friday, 7 June 2019
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Monday, 27 May 2019
Friday, 24 May 2019
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Varnce {Kindness & Kaitiakitanga}
One reason why i am going to post this because it is all about stopping people from putting things online why that because it is not Cybersmart.
we have Cybersmart because it will protect us from putting things online.
Monday, 20 May 2019
Friday, 17 May 2019
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Monday, 13 May 2019
Friday, 10 May 2019
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Manaiakalani Survey
Today on the 8th of may we had to completed this survey. this survey was all about Trem 1. we had to answer the question that we learnt and done last Trem with miss collins .
and i think we deserve a treat like pizza or something else
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Friday, 12 April 2019
My Learning Journey In Term 1 In The Kia Manawanui.
Dear Rawiri,
It had all started with the day I walked into the room with my crutches,
One thing i have enjoyed about term 1 is baking Anzac biscuits, the reason why i choose baking Anzac biscuits was because, we had to do the ingredients and then we got to cook the Anzac biscuits and then put them into the oven we had the wait for 15 minutes till they were baked. What makes learning fun in the Kia Manawanui syndicate, one thing that makes me excited is coming to school everyday and learn. Learning makes me smart and sometimes cool sometimes when i am bored of doing my work i just talk to other people and then i go back onto my work. One thing i have shown the school values is ako, i can care for other people like my friends and my family. For and a example if you were on the streets and you got kick out of you house and you promised your mum to not come back i would tell you to come to my house. My goal i have shown is kindness, i have shown this goal by helping others and looking after my siblings. How did i achieved this goal and who helped me my older sister helped me achieve this goal by her being mean to brothers and sister and making things right. If someone was bullying you i would tell them to stop bullying you and make them keep them away from you.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Free Writing
An a Vicachan
If i was Spider-man and in had to go on a vicachan.
I would explore the city and if there was trouble in the city i would find Hulk to help if i was needed help. Spider-man has super strength and has good and fast.
My second Character is Thor. Thor is strong his hammer is heavy no even hulk can lift up Thor's hammer. Thor's hammer can make him fly and his hammer can make some electrikesness out of his hammer. But without his hammer he is weak without it.
The End
Free Writing
If i was in a mountain pass i would find something interesting like a motorbike let's find out what i could do in the mountain pass.
The mountain pass would look scary and dark. There would be lot’s of steps and tree’s my house would be a tree house looking like a mansion how can that be impossible. I only have one way of making a treehouse. Here is one way you could build a treehouse.
When building on one main trunk, level the main platform by cantilevering the beams and supporting them from below. Build a treehouse platform as close to the trunk as possible and add diagonal bracing for extra strength to support uneven loads. Put the load over the base of the tree, not on one side.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Monday, 8 April 2019
Friday, 5 April 2019
Friday, 29 March 2019
My Spelling
Today i have done my spelling. Everyday we get spelling we have to get everysing grill word done.
and we have to bring it back on friday's.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Design Brief
Design Brief
Who am i designing the clock for?Myself
What type of colours are you going to use?Cyan,red,yellow.
What type of clock do you need to design?50 Cool and bright colours wall clocks.
Where is the clock going to be used?At home.
Why do you need the clock?For important things.
When will the clock be used?Every day.
How are you going to make the clock?Ask an adult.
How does it work?The hand Just spins around.
45 snakes found under US house+Champion pigeon sells for $2.1million
45 snakes found under US house
March 25, 2019
When a man’s cable service started acting up, he decided to crawl under his home in Texas to see if he find out what the problem was When he got under his house he thought he saw just a few rattlesnakes. As it turns out, there weren’t “just a few” snakes under the man’s house. There were 45. There were snakes piled up together snakes hanging from above snakes basically everywhere! One by one they were taken out safely. It took three bins and buckets to hold all 45 snakes, and once they’d all been secured, they were driven to a safe location where they wouldn’t be disturbed were released.
Champion pigeon sells for $2.1million
Champion pigeon sells for $2.1million
March 19, 2019
He has been dubbed the “Lewis Hamilton of pigeons” and the “best Belgian long-distance pigeon of all time”. (Lewis Hamilton is a champion race car driver). Before this sale, the record was €376,000 (NZ$670,000). And to put it in perspective the usual price for a racing pigeon is around €2,500 (NZ$4100). However, two buyers from China ended up in a bidding war, escalating the price up to €1.25m in just over an hour. But Armando is no usual pigeon. The last three races of his career were the 2018 Ace Pigeon championship, the 2019 Pigeon Olympiad and the Angoulême – and he won them all. The champ, who turns five this year, is now enjoying his retirement and has already fathered a number of chicks. Although Armando’s racing days are behind him, racing pigeons can carry on having chicks until they’re about 10, and live up to 20. So it’s likely his new owners will breed him.
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