Friday, 29 March 2019

My Jigsaw summary

I have lerat how to summarise a text I have read. 

My Spelling

Today i have done my spelling. Everyday we get spelling we have to get everysing grill word done.
and we have to bring it back on friday's.   

The Legend Of Hinemoa

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Design Brief

Design Brief

Who am i designing the clock for?Myself

What type of colours are you going to use?Cyan,red,yellow.
What type of clock do you need to design?50 Cool and bright colours wall clocks.

Where is the clock going to be used?At home.

Why do you need the clock?For important things.

When will the clock be used?Every day.

How are you going to make the clock?Ask an adult.

How does it work?The hand Just spins around.


Mason and Varnce Pavlova

Mason and Varnce:Being cybersmarts

45 snakes found under US house+Champion pigeon sells for $2.1million

45 snakes found under US house

March 25, 2019
When a man’s cable service started acting up, he decided to crawl under his home in Texas to see if he find out what the problem was When he got under his house he thought he saw just a few rattlesnakes. As it turns out, there weren’t “just a few” snakes under the man’s house. There were 45. There were snakes piled up together snakes hanging from above snakes basically everywhere! One by one they were taken out safely. It took three bins and buckets to hold all 45 snakes, and once they’d all been secured, they were driven to a safe location where they wouldn’t be disturbed were released.
Champion pigeon sells for $2.1million

Champion pigeon sells for $2.1million

March 19, 2019
He has been dubbed the “Lewis Hamilton of pigeons” and the “best Belgian long-distance pigeon of all time”. (Lewis Hamilton is a champion race car driver). Before this sale, the record was €376,000 (NZ$670,000). And to put it in perspective the usual price for a racing pigeon is around €2,500 (NZ$4100). However, two buyers from China ended up in a bidding war, escalating the price up to €1.25m in just over an hour. But Armando is no usual pigeon. The last three races of his career were the 2018 Ace Pigeon championship, the 2019 Pigeon Olympiad and the Angoulême – and he won them all. The champ, who turns five this year, is now enjoying his retirement and has already fathered a number of chicks. Although Armando’s racing days are behind him, racing pigeons can carry on having chicks until they’re about 10, and live up to 20. So it’s likely his new owners will breed him.

What Does Location?

What does Location?

Geographic location refers to a position on the Earth. Your absolute geographic location is defined by two coordinates, longitude and latitude. These two coordinates can be used to give specific location independent of an outside reference point.

What does geographic location mean on a job application?

Geographic mobility when applying for a job translates to a worker's ability/willingness to move to a new location in order to find employment. It also refers to a worker's ability/willingness to move to a new location to start a job they're interviewing for, or that they've been hired for.

The Voyage Of The Arawa

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

The Legend Of Kupe

This is a summary about the Legend of kupe and how and what he discovered when he travelled to Aotearoa.

Monday, 25 March 2019

What Does Geography Mean,s

What Does Geography Mean,s

Is geography a science literally earth description is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension (45 minutes, 25 marks)

Read the passage below and answer the questions which follow it.


She was a bunched and punitive little body and the school had christened
her Crabby; she had a sour yellow look, lank hair coiled in earphones and
the skin and voice of a turkey. We were all afraid of the gobbling Miss B; she
spied, she pried, she crouched, she crept, she pounced – she was a terror.

Crabby was a angry teacher,   

Each morning was war without declaration; no one knew who would catch
it next. We stood to attention, half-crippled in our desks, till Miss B walked
\ in, whacked the walls with a ruler, and fixed us with her squinting eye.
‘Good a-morning, children!’

‘Good morning, Teacher!’

The greeting was like a rattling of swords. Then she would scowl at the
floor and begin to growl ‘Ar Farther …’; at which we said the Lord’s Prayer.
But scarcely had we bellowed the last Amen than Crabby coiled, uncoiled
and sprang, and knocked some poor boy sideways.

One seldom knew why; one was always off guard, for the punishment
preceded the charge. The charge, however, followed hard upon it, to a
light shower of angry spitting.

‘Shuffling your feet! Playing with the desk! A-smirking at that miserable
Betty! I will not have it.

I’ll not, I say. I repeat – I will not have it!’ So we did not much approve of
Crabby. And indeed there came the inevitable day when rebellion raised its
flag, when the tension was broken and a hero emerged whom we would have
gladly named streets after, though we gave him little support at the time …

Spadge Hopkins it was, and I must say we were surprised. He was one of
those heavy, full-grown boys, designed for the great outdoors. The sight
of him squeezed into his tiny desk was worse than a bullock in ballet-shoes.
He wasn’t much of a scholar; he groaned as he worked, or hacked at his desk
with a jack-knife. Miss B took her pleasure in goading him, in forcing him to
out loud; or asking him sudden unintelligible questions which made him flush

The great day came. Crabby B was at her sourest, and Spadge
Hopkins had had enough. He began to writhe in his desk, and kick
his boots, and mutter, ‘She’d better look out. ’Er, – Crabby B. She’d
better, that’s all.’ Then he threw down his pen, said, ‘Sod it all,’ got
up and walked to the door.

‘And where are you going, young man, may I ask?’ said Crabby with her
awful leer. Spadge paused and looked her straight in the eye. ‘If it’s any
business of yourn.’
We shivered with pleasure at this defiance; Spadge leisurely made for the
door. ‘Sit down this instant!’ Crabby suddenly screamed. ‘I won’t have it!’

‘Ta-ta,’ said Spadge.

Then Crabby sprang like a yellow cat, spitting and clawing with rage.
She caught Spadge in the doorway and fell upon him. Spadge caught
her hands in his great red fists and held her at arm’s length, struggling.

‘Come and help me, someone!’ wailed Crabby. But nobody moved; we just
watched. We saw Spadge lift her up and place her on top of the cupboard,
then walk out of the door and away. There was a moment of silence, then
we all laid down our pens and began to stamp on the floor in unison.

Crabby stayed where she was, on top of the cupboard, drumming her heels
and weeping.

Answer the questions below. Remember to answer in full sentences and use
quotations to support your understanding.

1. Look at the first sentence. Using your own words, write down three details
about Crabby’s appearance. (3)

She was a bunched and punitive little body and the school had christened
her Crabby;

2. (a) Look at lines 3–12.
Write down two short quotations which show why the class dislikes
Crabby. (2)

because she would scowl at the children  

(b) Look at lines 15–16. What do you learn about Crabby from what
she says? (3)

Wall she does not describe herself

3. Look at lines 20–25. What sort of boy is Spadge Hopkins? Describe
him in your own words. (4)

He was a heavy, full-grown boy

4. (a) Look at lines 23–26. Explain why Spadge Hopkins rebels. (3)

He was going to kick his boots, and mutter

(b) Look at lines 28–29. What does Spadge Hopkins do next? (1)

5. Write down three things which make lines 30–48 funny. Use your own
words. (3)

Come and help me, someone,
There was a moment of silence,
on top of the cupboard.

6. Look at the whole passage. Do you feel sorry for Crabby? Give three
reasons, using short quotations from the passage to explain each. (6)

No! Because of the sad things that she had done to the boys
and she pushed one of the boys onto the ground.
Crabby stayed where she was, on top of the cupboard, drumming her heels
and cried.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Explorers Of The SunRise

This is my K.W.L. the one thing i liked about this work was when i read the book it was very interesting. the book was called explorers of the SUNRISE 

Friday, 15 March 2019

My Learning Pathway For This Year

               My Learning Pathway for this year

This is my learning pathway this year which I have shown through signs and symbols
   My first goal is self managing.
I chose this goal because if someone say your dumb you could just walk away and tell the teacher.
I will achieve this goal by using self managing and use this goal every day.My mum Will help me achieve
this goal by saying things that can hurt my feeling.

My second goal is kindness I will achieve this goal by helping people that needs help in class and on the
playground.My friends will help me by them asking for help if there needed.

Another goal of mine is improving in my math and mildness.
My sister will help me by saying the math and I will say them out and I could care and help my family
and my last goal is participating. My brother Will help me by encouraging me to participating in the game
that he Is playing.

This is my learning pathway and I look forward to seeing yours

Thursday, 14 March 2019

My Lreaning Pathway For 2019

Varnce Compare And Contrast Product Design

Kele's Car

Varnce My Role Model - Explanation Craft Template

  This is my role model

A role model who inspires me is Dwayne Johnson. He Is Strong,clever,his favorite colours are green,black,white.He is 46 years old .height 1.96. He plays football.He was born in may the 2th ,1972. He has a brother and his name is Shane Ray.
Dwayne Johnson is a football player he played for the Miami Hurricanes,national
Championships the rock is one the biggest movie stars in the world. But before the A-list super-stardom and even before his WWE debut, Dwayne Johnson  was a jack-of-all trades defensive lineman for the Miami Hurricanes in the early 1990s. In 1991, Johnson a freshman and established himself.Once an aspiring NFL player, Dwayne Johnson used his failures in football to turn himself into Hollywood's.
born in Hayward, California, but moved to Florida in 1989, where he was a college football player for the University of Miami, with whom he won a national championship in 1991. Jump to football creea - Johnson was a promising football prospect and received full scholarship from the University of Miami, playing defensive tackle High school.After initially aspiring for a career in football, Johnson began training as a professional wrestler in the summer of 1995, after being cut from the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League (CFL).Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known by his ring name The Rock, is an American actor, producer, and semi-retired professional wrestler.Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's official WWE Alumni profile, featuring bio, exclusive videos, photos, career highlights, classic moments and more!American actor, singer, icon, director, comedian, screenwriter, song writer, film producer, and "Universal releases second trailer for Dwayne Johnson action thriller Skyscraper".The Rock is one the biggest movie stars in the world. But before the A-list super-​stardom and even before his WWE debut, Dwayne Johnson.Once an aspiring NFL player, Dwayne Johnson used his failures in football to turn himself into Hollywood's.Johnson was a promising football prospect and received him, he was replaced by future Pro Football Hall of Fame player.Dwayne Johnson Sapp did take his job, but The Rock's fallback plan turned out pretty good in the end.In 1991, Johnson played as a freshman and established himself.
There are three reasons why “Dwayne Johnson” my role model because he is strong and Clever and he really inspires me.